Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Report Card Post

1.  Attendance and participation (60%) I try to attend all my classes. I rarely miss classes unless i'm not well or something my allergies get really s until date. serious. I always bring my gym strip and come to class with a not so positive attitude.

2.  Contribution (25%) I usually don't really care about other when it comes to fitness.When it comes to fitness I only think about the things I could improve on.

3.  Reflection- From the start to the semester until now, I've improved a bit. I mostly improved on my endurance from all the activities I've been giving to do. I have also done all my blog post. since i want to try on the activities half of the students don't try which makes me not try and even if i do students in the class are going to think i'm try hard, etc.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Final assessment


I will have to admit that one thing I do not like doing is dance and i must admit I have not contributed much to dancing. I will engage to the absolute best of my ability but I will put in a massive effort.

Social Responsibility and Contribution to the class

I honestly must say that i am not the most productive in terms of helping setting organized when the lass starts, but i can freely say that I contribute my fair share to the class.I am not sure other motivated by seeing me. Sure i have friends that can bring me down but do i follow them? Absolutely not. I do my own things and contribute my own way to the class.

During the high school, I really don't care about my diet nor my shape. A year back, I decided to change all the of  that start working out. When i started working out, i didn't know that i need to keep a diet a few months later after working out, I changed my diet which affected a lot gainz.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Today's post

For your SECOND POST TODAY, write about the following -
a)  your attendance & daily effort (being prepared, willing to participate)
b)  the energy that you bring to class
c)  how you deal with participation in activities that you are not very skilled at (being outside of your comfort zone)
d)  what can YOU do to make our class better from now on?

a) I'm always here with positive attitude.
b) My energy is high .
c) I'm done very well , I'm trying to my best.
d)To bring a possitube attitude in class.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Internal port

Attendance:attendance has been done very well so far. I motivated my self to come by not thinking about it.I was always motivated to do I m in the class. I was very well done In fitness classes for example-Beep test or yoga etc.                                                                                                                        I have best attributes or Positive energy,with positive energy I can do everything

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Muscle's workout


  • I did muscles workout for one hour.
  • I did three times of shoulder workout. 

Go on this link and watch that's what i did->http://youtu.be/0IlpzNRgOxY


  • I did running. 
  • I did workout.
  • Workout is really important for our body,because if you do the workout then your body will be really good.